
Orders & Delivery

How to place an order?

To place an order, please submit an inquiry, or contact us via the “Contact Us ” page, and our sales team will reach out to personally process your order.

What is the order lead time?

Batch orders up to 10 units are usually shipped 48h from the order. For larger orders, lead time depends on the size of the order.

Can i buy just one machine?

ChainBytes is a leading industry Enterprise provider focused on larger operations. By setting minimal order of 2 ATM’s we are setting up our operators for success and a faster ROI.

How long does delivery usually take?

Delivery typically takes 7-10 days via Express Air Cargo. While the sea shipping takes between 24-30 days. Please contact sales with an inquiry to get an exact quote.

Is shipping included in the price?

Shipping is not included in the price of the machine. Once you confirm a delivery address for your order, we can provide shipping quotes. 

What form of payment do you accept?

We accept bank transfers as well as Bitcoin and Ethereum. For other payment options please consult our sales team.



What is a Cash Recycler?

A cash recycler is a multipurpose device that accepts, validates and dispenses cash. The cash recycler can hold the bills designated for future sell orders or send them directly to the cashbox vault. A cash recycler is minimizing the cash float needed for your operation, since bills inserted by one customer can be directly dispensed to the next.

What is the top screen for?

The additional top screen is a top-mounted monitor which can be used for displaying instructions, playing 3rd party ads, or promoting the operator’s Bitcoin ATM. It’s an eye-catching device and can be used as a secondary revenue stream by selling ads space.

How are ChainBytes ATMs secured?

ChainBytes ATMs are made out of reinforced cold-rolled steel and feature an additional interior cash box vault secured with an S&G Digital or standard locks. Additionally,  ATMs are shipped with mounting plates and holes for direct bolting into the ground.

Do i need any special tools for placing ATM at the location?

No, an ATM can be placed without any special tools.

Is there a hardware warranty?

Yes, ChainBytes machines have a 1-year factory warranty. 



Does ChainBytes charge a fee?

ChainBytes charges a small percentage off the volume of transactions going through our systems. We do not charge any other subscription fees or hidden charges. We are incentivized towards the success of the operators.

How do I provide a cryptocurrency float for the machines??

Each operator’s Dashboard has a Bitcoin wallet. Operators can add any bitcoin wallet which provides WIF private key, or use the Dashboard to form a new wallet that will serve the operation. ChainBytes believes in the policy, “Not your keys, not your wallet”, and that’s why with our Dashboard, operators are owners of their wallets and operators are holding their keys. ChainBytes does not hold an operator’s bitcoins or host operator wallets. The wallet added to the Dashboard can be filled like any other wallet (via direct transfer of cryptocurrency).

What initial float do I need for a Bitcoin ATM operation?

The initial float required depends on how many Bitcoins the operator’s machines are selling every day and how many machines they have in operation. We recommend that new operators reserve at least a few days worth of volume in Bitcoin float.

How much fee can i charge on my machines?

ChainBytes does not put any limits on the amount of fees the operators are able to charge. The fee is set up by the operator and can be set on a different amount for each machine. Not all locations are the same, so not all machines will necessarily have the same fees. On average, our operators are charging between 15%-20%.  However, that’s completely up to operators and their business model.

How is the risk of price volatility reduced?

The ChainBytes Dashboard allows operators to connect their exchange account to the Dashboard and use our Automatic Buy Back feature. The Automatic buy-back feature converts fiat to cryptocurrency directly inside the operator’s account on the exchange at the time of the transaction. This reduces volatility risks for an operator. Operators can also choose to run in a standalone mode with no exchange involved.


KYC/AML Compliance

Does ChainBytes machines feature a compliance solutions?

As a USA company, we know how important is to be fully compliant with all regulations. ChainBytes BTMs have the most advanced compliance features.  From flexible compliance levels, phone number collection, ID collection to customer order grouping. ChainBytes is the only manufacturer that provides built-in SSN collection levels for larger transactions and states when the collection of customer SSN is mandatory.

How Does ChainBytes Software Support AML & KYC Compliance?

As a recognized leader in compliance features, the ChainBytes Dashboard provides configurable compliance levels, 3rd party wallet forensics features, configurable threshold features that allow delayed fulfillment for larger transactions, configurable alerts via SMS and Email, as well as approval of customers and customizable customer profiles.

What is a Complaince Package?

ChainBytes has secured an optional Compliance Package provided by US compliance company, BTMcompliance. The package includes a written KYC/AML program, registration with FinCEN, quarterly compliance training, and a dedicated compliance officer for clearing transactions flags and filing necessary reports (CTRs and SARs) with FinCEN. The compliance package is secured to assure that our operators can start their business in a short time and be compliant with all Federal regulations.



How do I profit from operating BTMs?

The operators are charging a fee percentage for every transaction performed on the machine. The fee percentage is added as a mark-up above the average market price of Bitcoin. Operators profit from this mark-up difference in every transaction. On average, operators charge 15%-20%  mark-up. 

Do i earn on both Sell and Buy transactions?

Yes, operators can set the fee percentages on both buy and sell transactions.

How will I attract customers to my machines?

Machines feature an optional top screen that commands attention and can run promotional materials. Besides the top screen, operators have available API features which allow them to list ATMs on sites that are aggregating Bitcoin ATM maps such as Coin ATM Radar.


Softare & Operation

How does the user interface look for the customers?

The video below presents the on-screen user interface customers will interact with: www.youtu.be/rXXPuHRBhB8

How will I manage my machines?

ChainBytes provides a remote management platform called the Dashboard. The entire operation and monitoring of the machines is done from the online Dashboard.  

How will I add bitcoins to my wallet?

Since operators can use any wallet with ChainBytes Dashboard, the process of adding Bitcoins to the wallet is the same as depositing/sending Bitcoins to any wallet.

Can i brand my machines?

Yes, as Enterprise provider we support the branding of machines so that our operators can truly build their unique brand. Besides the hardware branding, the Dashboard includes built-in customization tools for on-screen logo, email, and operator website, as well as custom messaging. Many of our operators are operating and reselling the machines under their own brand.

Is ChainBytes Bitcoin ATM software compatible with Genmega machines?

Yes, our software supports GenMega machines from Gemini model to Universal Kiosks UK1 and UK2. If you are already operating Bitcoin ATMs produced by GenMega and are looking to change the software provider, reach out to our sales team and we will be happy to help you. 

Can I buy GenMega machines from you?

Yes, you can purchase GenMega Bitcoin ATMs directly from us. 

I have a fleet of GenMega machines can i switch them to your software?

Yes, if you already have and operate Bitcoin ATMs produced by GenMega we can help you switch them to our software. The installation process and switch to our software is easy and can be done in under an hour. 



High performing 2-way model

ChainBytes Bitcoin ATM for 2 way transactions f

Price $6,700


Small footprint 2-way model

ChainBytes V Bitcoin ATM


Price $4,999


Software for GenMega models

genmega bitcoin ATMs with ChainBytes software


Pricing on request

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